Local Environmental Records Centre for Birmingham and the Black Country
Photo (c) Andy Purcell
We hold information about the species, sites and habitats of Birmingham and the Black Country.
EcoRecord collects, collates and makes available information about the wildlife, wildlife sites and habitats of Birmingham and the Black Country and we currently have over 2.8 million species records on our database.
These records come from many sources, ranging from professional ecologists to amateur expert naturalists to other wildlife enthusiasts.
We provide an information service to a wide range of users.
Our services include providing data, interpretation, and mapping outputs to users such as local authorities, statutory agencies, ecological consultants, national and local recording schemes and others with a an interest in the wildlife of Birmingham and the Black Country.
A significant proportion of these species records come from YOU!
Without the contribution of volunteer recorders we wouldn't have the knowledge we have of the Biodiversity of Birmingham and the Black Country and understanding of its natural environment.
Don't forget, it is possible to record wildlife without specialist knowledge, just provide details of who, what, when and where.