Cuckoo Wasp (Chrysididae) - Photo (c) Aaron Bhambra

Birmingham & Black Country Invertebrate Group (BIG)

BIG Things Are Happening….

The Birmingham and Black Country Invertebrate Group (BIG) aims to bring together both existing invertebrate specialists and those with a growing interest in invertebrates to record, study and help conserve invertebrates in Birmingham and the Black Country.

The group plans to hold practical field visits, indoor lectures and taxonomic training events based around understudied invertebrate groups within the area.


  • Improve our knowledge of key invertebrate sites in the area through survey and monitoring

  • Improve the skills of invertebrate recorders

  • Orovide a pathway for individuals to develop a career in entomology and wildlife conservation in the area

  • Inform and inspire future entomology and wildlife conservation in the region

  • Raise the profile of invertebrates with the wider public

  • Identify regionally important species and assemblages

  • Improve understanding of the status and distribution of the region’s rare and threatened invertebrate species and assemblages, and to inform conservation management for these


In 2024 we plan to hold a number of field visits to document the invertebrates of several key sites in Birmingham and the Black Country.

If you are interested in taking part please join our mailing list, where we will share details of upcoming events.

Green Tiger Beetle - photo (c) Aaron Bhambra